The following subdivision Association Questionnaire is intended for association presidents.
Home Owners’ Associations exist in most, if not all, Township neighborhoods. Generally speaking, these organizations are dedicated to maintaining the overall quality of the neighborhood through actives such as maintenance of common property, organizing social activities, building regulations, and community advocacy. The Township maintains a compressive Zoning Code that regulates land use. The Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning Commission enforce the Zoning Ordinance and consider applications for exceptions to strict ordinance enforcement. These HOA and Township roles are related but fully separate. Each of us is responsible to interpret and enforce our own set of rules. Specifically, the Township has no role concerning HOA restrictions. The Township does recognize that all residents (and their contractors) benefit from knowing Township and HOA building rules and regulations before construction. We strive to keep residents informed about the existence of HOA’s and inform HOA Officers of certain building activities.
Quick Links
List of Homeowners' Associations
Online Room Reservation Form
Fillable Room Reservation Form
Guide for Discharging Prohibited Restrictive Covenants
Therefore, it has been a longstanding policy of the Township to maintain a list of HOA’s and their websites and the current officers. The information is used in three ways. First, it is made available to residents and their building contractors. Also, the Township instructs applicants for a building permit to inform the HOA of their plans and to provide verification that notice was provided in the application and prior to any hearing before the ZBA. Second, the Township attempts to notify the HOA architectural chair or president when building permits are submitted for new construction or additions and exterior building alterations (if the applicant does not provide copies of HOA comments on the application) or prior to a hearing on a petition to the Planning Commission or ZBA. Third, other Township departments, such as Ordinance, Water & Sewer, or Clerk may communicate important matters to HOA officers.
We are always pleased to discuss any concerns regarding the subdivision or the Township with association officers. Homeowner associations are also welcome to schedule association meetings in the Township auditorium, the Main Fire Station meeting room, and the DPW Lower Level Training Room, at no cost. For reservations, please fill out our on-line or fillable form.
If your association has a website and would like a link from the Township website, please indicate on the form. To see a list of homeowners' associations, please click here.
Please don’t hesitate to call my office for further assistance at (248) 433-7702.
Martin C. Brook
Township Clerk