If you have an Ordinance question, complaint or comment, there are several ways to contact the Ordinance Division:
Phone 248-594-2845
Submit a  Form by Fax 248-433-7729
Submit an Online Form by Email
The Ordinance Division will respond to you as soon as possible.

The Bloomfield Township Board of Trustees proudly presents to our residents a codified code of ordinances. The codification process allowed compilation of all of the hundreds of ordinances that existed into a single codified code.  By selecting the link below, you can search and review the entire code by word or by phrase.  We trust that you will find this to be a practical and efficient tool.

Code of Ordinances

General Ordinance Amendments

To request a new or revised ordinance, submit your request and supporting information to Supervisor.

The list below identifies recent amendments to the Bloomfield Township Code of Ordinances for all chapters except Chapter 42, Zoning. For a list of recent Chapter 42, Zoning Ordinance Amendments, please click here. 

File Name Details
• Ordinance 689 – Implementation of Enforceable Local Watercraft Controls on Island Lake Download
• Ordinance 688 – Implementation of Enforceable Local Watercraft Controls on Meadow Lake Download
• Ordinance 687 – Implementation of Enforceable Local Watercraft Controls on Lower Long Lake Download
• Ordinance 686 – Implementation of Enforceable Local Watercraft Controls on Forest Lake Download
• Ordinance 685 – Implementation of Enforceable Local Watercraft Controls on Sodon Lake Download
• Ordinance 684 – Implementation of Enforceable Local Watercraft Controls on Orange Lake Download
• Ordinance 683 – Implementation of Enforceable Local Watercraft Controls on Wabeek Lake Download
• Ordinance 682 – Implementation of Enforceable Local Watercraft Controls on Chalmers Lake Download
• Ordinance 681 – Implementation of Enforceable Local Watercraft Controls on Gilbert Lake Download
• Ordinance 680 – Implementation of Enforceable Local Watercraft Controls on Wing Lake Download
• Ordinance 679 – Repeal of Unenforceable Local Watercraft Controls Download
Ordinance 677 - Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Amendment Download
Ordinance 674 - Water and Sewer Rates and Charges Ordinance Amendment Download
Ordinance 673 - Land Division, Subdivisions and Engineering Design and Standards Ordinance Amendment Download
Ordinance 672 - Fireworks Ordinance Amendment Download
Ordinance 671 - Solicitation Ordinance Amendment Download
Ordinance 670 - Solicitation Ordinance Amendment Download
Ordinance 668 - Small Cell Wireless Communication Facilities Download
Ordinance 662 - Water and Sewer Updates Download
Ordinance 661 - Amending Chapter 4: Alarm Systems Download
Ordinance 659 - Adopting the 2018 Edition of the International Fire Code Download
Ordinance 658 - Recreational Marihuana Download
Ordinance 657 - Tobacco, Vapor, Alternative Nicotine Products and Marihuana Download
Ordinance 656 - Parking Restrictions at Local Schools Download
Ordinance 655 - Prohibition of Marihuana Establishments Download
Ordinance 654 - Regulating Wireless Facilities in the Right-of-Way Download

Proposed New or Revised General Ordinances

Watercraft Restrictions, Proposal to Amend Section 40-23

The Bloomfield Township Board of Trustees approved an amendment to this existing ordinance that regulates boating on certain lakes in the Township. These ordinances were recommended by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (“DNR”) following public hearings in our community. The intent of Ordinances 679 – 689 is to protect the safety and enjoyment of select lakes within the Township through the implementation of enforceable local watercraft controls. Said controls will require watercraft to operate at slow no-wake speeds. At the Board’s regular meeting on April 24, 2024, the Township decided to adopt the DNR’s recommended ordinances and appeal the DNR’s decision for the larger waterbodies of Wing Lake, Gilbert Lake, Forest Lake, Lower Long Lake, and Island Lake. Efforts will be made to pursue establishing a “no motorboat” ordinance for these larger lakes through the DNR.

This is a summary of the ordinances, the project, and upcoming steps.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Clerk’s Office at (248) 433-7702 or via email at clerk@bloomfieldtwp.org.

Updated: May 20, 2024