Yard wasteCollection begins March 17 and runs through December 19, 2025.  

During the yard waste season, Priority Waste will collect all properly prepared yard waste on your regular trash service day. We encourage you to use large, brown paper yard waste bags which are available at your local hardware store. Or, you may visit the Township offices or call Priority Waste at 855-927-8365 to get a "Compost" sticker to put on your can. Cans and bags should not weigh more than 50 lbs. Use of plastic bags is prohibited as is the mixing of yard waste with your regular trash.

General Info

During yard waste season, remember these rules:

  • Containers must be the paper yard waste bags (available at local lawn, garden and hardware stores) OR in cans clearly marked "Yard Waste" or "Compost" (stickers are available at the Township office). During colder weather, yard waste bags are preferred as compost may freeze in cans.
  • All containers (yard waste AND regular trash containers) must not exceed the 50 pound weight limit.
  • Yard waste collected in plastic bags is prohibited and will not be collected.

Acceptable yard waste is considered to be grass clippings and garden weeds, leaves, and trimmings.

  • Brush (2" in diameter or less) may be considered yard waste and packaged in either of the above-mentioned ways.
  • Trimmings / Branches between 2" - 6" in diameter will be collected with the garbage (solid waste) provided they are bundled and tied. Bundles should be 4 feet maximum in length and a maximum of 50 pounds each.
  • If you have trimmings larger than 6" in diameter, contact either Priority Waste at 855-927-8365 or a private tree service contractor.

Please call Priority Waste at 855-927-8365 for more information.

Yard Waste Collection FAQ

1. Why can we no longer use plastic bags? 

In 1995, when the State of Michigan mandated a ban on landfills of yard waste, the industry began efforts to process the waste into a usable compost material.  Yard waste contaminated by plastic bags decreases the quality of the compost, making it unsuitable for home and garden use.  Most communities have stopped accepting plastic bags.  Bloomfield Township must also do its part to protect our environment.

2. What are the best alternatives for environmental purposes?

The best alternative is to use a mulching lawnmower. Mulching mowers mulch grass and leaves into fine particles that decompose on your lawn. This process does not create thatch. Mulching mowers (and conversion kits for older lawnmowers) are available at local lawn equipment suppliers. Kraft paper yard bags are also a responsible solution. The paper will decompose along with the mulch. Bags are available at local hardware stores, garden shops and home supply stores.