Contracted Trash Company
Bloomfield Township contracts with Priority Waste for its trash disposal services. Residents benefit from a full range of solid waste services, including regular trash collection, yard waste collection, large item collection, medical sharps collection, curbside recycling, and hazardous waste disposal.
Any questions about these services should be directed to Priority Waste at 855-927-8365 or 855-WASTE 65. Payments should be sent to the address below or you can pay online.
Senior Discount
Call Priority Waste at 855-927-8365 for information about a senior citizen discount.
Priority Waste 855-927-8365 or 855-WASTE 65 E-mail correspondence to: Mail your payment to: Priority Waste 45000 River Ridge Dr., Suite 200 Clinton Township, MI 48038 |
Financial Assistance Program
As of June 2020 Bloomfield Township has streamlined the process and application form for those residents seeking hardship exemption for property taxes, waiver of solid waste, and Minor Home Repair Community Block Grants. Residents facing financial hardship can now use one form to apply for any or all of the above. The Assessor's Office will administer this program.
Bloomfield Township Financial Assistance Program
Extended Leave Program
The Extended Leave Program is available for residents who will not be using any collection service for a minimum of one month to a maximum of three months in a given twelve month period.
Collection Schedule
Zone 1: Monday
Zone 2: Tuesday
Zone 3: Wednesday
Zone 4: Thursday
Zone 5: Friday
Holiday Schedule 2025
- NEW YEARS DAY – Wednesday, January 1, 2025 – Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday delayed a day
- MEMORIAL DAY - Monday, May 26, 2025 – All days delayed a day
- INDEPENDENCE DAY – Friday, July 4, 2025 – Friday pickup on Saturday
- LABOR DAY – Monday, September 1, 2025 – All days delayed a day
- THANKSGIVING – Thursday, November 27, 2025 – Thursday & Friday delayed a day
- CHRISTMAS DAY – Thursday, December 25, 2025 – Thursday & Friday delayed a day
- NEW YEARS DAY – Thursday, January 1, 2026 – Thursday & Friday delayed a day
Large Item Collection
Large items (furniture and appliances) are collected on a weekly basis. They must be out at the curb by 7:00 AM on your collection day. This service is part of the trash program.
For collection of Freon containing appliances (refrigerator, freezer or air conditioner), please notify Priority Waste the day before pick-up. Refrigerator and freezer doors must be removed. A separate truck collects these appliances for removal of the Freon. This service is part of the trash program.
Medical Sharps Collection
If your doctor prescribes home treatments requiring the use of syringes with disposable needles or lancets (commonly referred to as medical sharps), you can dispose of them through a specialized service. Used and discarded needles should be placed in a specified sharps container which are available at most pharmacies or any puncture proof container, such as an empty detergent bottle or coffee can that is taped shut.
When ready to discard, containers should be clearly visible and market MEDICAL SHARPS. PLEASE DO NOT PLACE LOOSE NEEDLES IN YOUR TRASH!
Yard Waste Collection
Collection begins March 17 and runs through December 19, 2025.
During the yard waste season, Priority Waste will collect all properly prepared yard waste on your regular trash service day. We encourage you to use large, brown paper yard waste bags which are available at your local hardware store. Or, you may call the Township at 248-594-2800 or Priority Waste at 855-927-8365 to get a "Compost" sticker to put on your 35 gallon can. Use of plastic bags is prohibited as is the mixing of yard waste with your regular trash.
For more information see our Yard Waste Collection page.
Trash Containers
Township residents can now use trash containers of 35-gallon, 65-gallon or 95-gallon. Residents may purchase (recommended) a 95-gallon container from Priority Waste for $110 plus a $15 delivery fee. Purchased containers will be warrantied by Priority. Residents may also choose to continue using or purchase their own trash containers.