Rates and Billing FAQ
1. What are the trash rates?
The rates that you will be charged will depend on which type of service you are currently being billed for.
Following are the quarterly rates that will be billed to residents July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024, from Priority Waste.
- Single Family
- Curbside $55.47
- Doorside $105.64
- Inside $123.44
- Multi-Family (Condominiums & Apartments)
- Attached (Individual) $47.47
- Detached (Individual) $53.30
- Detached – Doorside $105.64
- Multi-Family Common $37.74
Following are the quarterly dumpster rates that will be billed July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025, from Priority Waste.
- Apartment Dumpster Service (These rates are quarterly, per dumpster, one load per week)
- 2 Cu. Yard Dumpster $154.50
- 4 Cu. Yard Dumpster $185.40
- 6 Cu. Yard Dumpster $216.30
- 8 Cu. Yard Dumpster $247.20
- 40 Cu. Yard Dumpster (rate is per load) $515
2. How often will I be billed?
Your billing schedule will remain unchanged. You will receive a quarterly bill from Priority Waste one month prior to each service period. You should receive your bills at the beginning of June, September, December and March. Priority Waste will administer all billings; if you have any questions or concerns regarding your bills, you can reach them at 855-927-8365.
3. What payment options do I have?
- Send check by mail
- Pay with credit card (there is a 3.1% convenience fee)
- Set up automatic bill payment
- Pay online by clicking here
If you have any questions regarding making a payment, please call Priority Waste at 855-927-8365.
4. Who do I make my payments out to?
All checks should be made payable to: "Priority Waste" and mailed to:
Priority Waste
45000 River Ridge Dr.
Clinton Twp., MI 48038
5. How do I receive one free month of service?
In June of each year residents will have the opportunity to prepay for 11 months of service and receive the 12th month free. In order to receive the discount, residents must send payment for the full 11 months of service with their June bill. The complete payment must be received by June 30th of each year. Late or incomplete payments will not be accepted to receive the discount.
6. Can I turn off my trash service?
Per the Solid Waste Ordinance No. 577, trash service for all residential units in the Township must be contracted by a single, solid waste hauler and so trash service cannot be permanently turned off nor can residents contract with an alternate hauler. In order to accommodate residents’ needs as best as possible, the Township has negotiated the ability for residents to suspend their service when they will be away and not using the service for a minimum of one month to a maximum of three months.
7. How can I suspend my trash service?
There are two ways in which residents can suspend their service:
- An extended leave suspension will be granted for any resident that will be away from their home and not using trash service for a minimum of one month to a maximum of three months. The resident simply has to call Priority Waste and inform them that they will be away and for how long. Priority Waste will deactivate your account for up to a maximum of three months. If at any time during the suspension there is trash placed out for pickup, Priority Waste will collect the trash and will automatically reactivate the account and billing will begin immediately.
- A suspension of service will also be granted to those homes that are deemed to be unlivable due to either construction or demolition. In order to receive this suspension, proof of construction or demo, such as the building/demo permits, must be provided to Priority Waste. The homeowner may reactivate the trash service at any time. Priority Waste will automatically reactivate the service if trash is placed out for pickup at any time.
Solid Waste Exemption Request Form
8. Is there a discount for seniors?
There is a 3% discount for seniors, 65 and older. Please contact Priority Waste to inquire.
Route and Service FAQ
1. Is there any limit to how much trash I can put out per week?
No, there is no limit on the quantity of household trash that you put out each week so long as it is all contained and prepared properly.
2. How early can I place my trash, recycling and yard waste at the street?
Township ordinance states that trash, recycling and yard waste may not be placed at the curb before 12:00 p.m. the day before pickup.
3. Is there a bulk item (furniture, mattresses, appliances, etc.) pickup?
Yes, Priority Waste will collect bulk items every week on your normal trash day. No special arrangements are required and there is no extra fee.
4. How do I dispose of a fridge or freezer?
DTE offers a paid recycling program for residential customers with a unit in working condition between 10-30 cubic feet. Contact DTE for details at 866-796-0512.
Priority Waste will pick up a fridge or freezer on your normal trash day, at no extra charge. Please contact Priority Waste with at least 24-hour notice and remove the doors before placing at the curb. Priority Waste will not collect them if the doors are not removed.
5. Is there a container size limit?
Trash containers in the Township can be up to 95 gallons.
6. How do I prepare yard waste for pickup?
Collection begins the week in which March 15th falls through the third week of December every year. Leaves and lawn clippings will need to be placed in paper yard waste bags, available at your local hardware store, or placed in containers marked "yard waste" or "compost". Compost stickers are available from Priority Waste or at the Township offices.
Any limbs or branches over 2 inches in diameter and less than 6 inches will be picked up with the solid waste and need to be cut to 4 ft. in length, tied and bundled, not exceeding 50 lbs per bundle.
7. How do I get a Recycle Bin?
18-gallon bins or a 65-gallon cart will be provided by Priority Waste, free of charge. To have one delivered to your home simply contact Priority Waste at 855-927-8365. Additional 65-gallon carts can be purchased.
8. What can I put in my recycle bin?
Please refer to this flyer which outlines what is accepted for recycling.
9. What holidays may affect my trash pickup?
Please refer to this list of holiday trash delays and the current schedule.
10. How do I dispose of Christmas trees?
Christmas trees may be put out for trash pickup for up to 3 weeks after the Christmas holiday. Please just place them out on your normal trash day.
11. How do I dispose of medical sharps?
Used and discarded needles should be placed in a specified sharps container which are available at most pharmacies or any puncture proof container, such as an empty detergent bottle or coffee can that has been taped shut. Container should be clearly visible and marked MEDICAL SHARPS.
12. How do I dispose of Household Hazardous Waste?
Please refer to this list of common hazardous waste items and disposal options.