BTSS addresses the nutritional needs of Bloomfield Township seniors with two essential programs, Meals on Wheels and Nutritional Supplements. For additional information on either program, contact Mary Osborne, MSW, Nutrition Coordinator at 248-723-3500 or email do not provide nutritional services to West Bloomfield residents. Contact Western Oakland County Meals on Wheels at 810-632-2155 for more information.)

Nutritional Supplements

Nutritional supplements are available to Bloomfield Township seniors based on need. BTSS can provide Ensure Plus® monthly at a reduced rate to those that qualify. Talk to your physician and see if a nutritional supplement is recommended. A physician’s order (letter or prescription) is required.

Meals on Wheels

BTSS provides Meals on Wheels (MOW) to BT residents that need or want prepared meals. Meals are delivered by volunteer drivers Monday between 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM. The current cost is $5.60 per meal.

Meals on Wheels FAQ’s

1. What is Meals on Wheels?

Meals on Wheels is an ongoing meal delivery service offered to seniors living within the BTSS service area.

2. Who is eligible?

To be eligible for Meals on Wheels, the client must be a Bloomfield Township resident that is 62 years of age or older. For additional information on eligibility, please contact BTSS at 248-723-3500 or send an email to

3. How do I apply?

You or a family member may apply by telephone 248-723-3500 or complete the Nutrition Services Request Form and send it to BTSS via email, mail or fax it to 248-723-3519. When BTSS receives a request for home delivered meals the call and/or information is forwarded to the Nutrition Coordinator. The Nutrition Coordinator will call the potential recipient to verify eligibility, identify the reason for the meal request and to answer any questions.

4. What is the cost?

While the federal government recognizes ~$14.00 as the value of one home delivered meal, our current charge is $5.60 per meal. This is a private pay program so recipients must pay for the meals they receive. Through donations to the program, BTSS can help low-income individuals if needed. Financial information must be provided to qualify for assistance. 

5. How soon can I start?

Delivery of meals can generally begin approximately 1-2 weeks after the request is received and reviewed. Please note that the Meals on Wheels program is not an emergency food service.

6. How nutritious are the meals?

The monthly menus are prepared by a licensed nutritionist to provide 1/3 of the USDA recommended daily nutrition for older adults. See the Current Menu to view a sample meal. Meals are prepared and packaged offsite and are either delivered to BTSS or picked up by a volunteer. Prepared meals are monitored for quality assurance.

7. Can you accommodate special diets?

Currently the only special diet meal available is a low sodium one where there is no salt added to food during the preparation process. Since some foods are naturally high in sodium, they are served infrequently if at all during the month.  Meals can be considered “diabetic-friendly” in that fruit is served as the dessert.

8. Is the meal delivered hot or cold?

The program offers either frozen or hot meals for delivery. The frozen meals come packaged in either a three or five meal pack. Hot meals are delivered ready-to-eat. Re-heating instructions are included. 

9. When are the meals delivered?

Frozen meals are delivered on Monday mornings only and hot meals are delivered Monday through Friday. Meals are delivered between 10:30 AM - 12:00 noon.

10. Who delivers the meals?

The meals are delivered by trained volunteers from the community. Volunteers do not handle payments or schedule changes or delivery cancellations.

11. Can the driver leave the meal if I am not home?

The driver will not leave meals unless prior arrangements have been made and a suitable container is available to ensure food safety guidelines are met. If the client does not respond to our attempts to deliver their scheduled meals, BTSS will call the client’s emergency contact.

12. What if I have to cancel a meal?

Frozen meals are ordered on Wednesday the week prior to Monday’s scheduled delivery. Hot meals are ordered daily. If you must change or cancel your order, we will do our best to make the change but you will be invoiced for any late cancels for meals already ordered or received. Should an emergency arise in which you must be away from home, please call us at 248-723-3500 any time of the day or night so that we do not send a volunteer driver to your home. Feel free to leave a voice message as messages are checked regularly.

On-the-Go Meals

These are frozen entrees that are available for purchase at the Senior Center. They come in a bulk pack (3 meals or 5 meals) and can be picked up or delivered to your home on Monday morning. See the Current Menu for meals being offered each week. The cost is $5.35 each. If you are not cooking much anymore, the service offers a great way to have nutritious meals delivered right to your door they must be ordered a week in advance. Contact 248-723-3500 for more information.