Adult Day Service

The Adult Day Service Friendship Club is temporarily closed. To assist with planning for restarting the service, please call the center and ask to add your name to an interest list. You will receive updates related to the plans and be able to provide input as to your family needs.

Loan Closet

Medical equipment (wheelchairs, etc.) available for loan. Call 248-723-3500 for more information.

Meals on Wheels and Nutrition Supplements

Click here for additional information.

Minor Home Repair

BTSS facilitates the Minor Home Repair program with funding from Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. No fees are payable by homeowners for repairs facilitated in this program. See program details, eligibility guidelines and application here.

Telephone Reassurance Program

Daily calls to frail seniors for social contact & safety. Call 248-723-3500 for more information.

Transportation Options 

Click here for additional information.