Pet Lost and Found
View information about pets that have been lost within the Township.

The Bloomfield Township Animal Shelter is open. The shelter is staffed 7 days a week from 8 AM to 4 PM. The shelter can be reached directly at 248-433-7757. To report a lost or found pet please contact 248-433-7755.

The Animal Shelter is staffed by AWO Betsy Summerfield and AWO Chris Baumann. They will be in the shelter caring for the animals and helping walk-in customers. Both are Level 1 Certified by the National Animal Care and Control Association.

National Animal Care & Control Association Logo

Elizabeth Summerfield

Betsy Summerfield
Animal Welfare Officer
National Animal Care & Control Association Level 1 Certified

Officer Baumann

Chris Baumann
Animal Welfare Officer
National Animal Care & Control Association Level 1 Certified

Animal Complaints & Pick-up

Animal complaints about domestic animals or wildlife may be made to the Bloomfield Township Police Department 24/7 via the non-emergency line 248-433-7755.


There is a $35/day holding fee for pets picked up and held at the shelter.

Removal of Dead Animals

Residents wishing to report deceased wildlife within Bloomfield Township, or to have deceased wildlife removed from their property, can contact the Bloomfield Township Police Department non-emergency line 248-433-7755.

Pet Licenses

Only dogs need to be licensed in Bloomfield Township. Dog licenses can be purchased at the Bloomfield Township Police Department, through the mail, at a participating Oakland County dog licensing vendor, or online. Dog licenses are valid for one calendar year (January 1 - December 31). To purchase a license, a current certificate of rabies vaccination must be presented.
Dog License Application

Leash/Sanitation Laws

Bloomfield Township’s “Dog Ordinance” (Ordinance 423) requires that dogs be on a leash and under control at all times when outside their home (Section 2). Copies of the ordinance and the sanitation ordinance, often called the "scooper law", (Ordinance 423 Section 3) are available by telephoning the Township's Clerk's Office at 248-433-7702 or on the Ordinance section of the website by clicking here.

Invisible Fence

Before installing an Invisible Fence, a permit must be obtained. For further information contact the Township's Building Division at 248-433-7715.