1. Who do I contact with EMS billing questions?

Bloomfield Township contracts with Medicount Management for EMS billing. If you have questions regarding your EMS bill or would like to update your insurance information please contact them at 888-410-6986 or ptrelations@medicount.com.

2. Where Can I Get A Car Seat Installed?

Ascension Providence Hospital’s Trauma Prevention Services and Safe Kids Oakland County have partnered together to provide free, educational car seat installation checks to anyone (expecting parents, grandparents, caretakers, etc.) who would like to practice installing their seat while learning valuable recommendations and safety guidelines from a Nationally Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician.  Classes will be held at Bloomfield Township Central Fire Station (1155 Exeter, on Township Campus) held the 2nd Monday of every month. By Appointment only. To view dates/times, and to register visit: https://ascension-mi.regfox.com/car-seat-installation-station-bloomfield-twp-mi

Safe Kids Oakland County's 2023 Car Seat Inspection Stations

3. What is the burn ordinance in Bloomfield Township?

The burning ordinance has recently been codified and can be found by clicking here and viewing Chapter 16, Section 27 of the listed ordinances.

4. What is the normal work schedule for the firefighters?

The firefighter/paramedics work 24 hour shifts and are on duty at all stations seven days a week, 365 days a year, and work an average of 56 hours per week.

5. What is the difference between an EMT and a paramedic?

Both EMTs and paramedics work within emergency medical services teams. EMTs are trained to stabilize and safely transport patients in all types of emergencies. Paramedics are trained to perform a broader range of advanced medical care. For this reason, all of our EMTs are required to complete additional training to become a certified paramedic within their first three (3) years of employment at Bloomfield Township.

6. What is the primary function of a fire engine?

A fire engine is the first vehicle that will come to your home or business when 911 is called. The fire engine carries the necessary equipment to fight any type of fire or do any type of rescue in a fire or vehicle accident. This vehicle carries the same medical equipment as a rescue truck and is staffed with one lieutenant/paramedic and one firefighter/paramedic who are both cross trained to provide Advanced Life Support (ALS) until a rescue arrives.

7. What is the primary function of a rescue truck?

A rescue truck is staffed by two (2) firefighter/EMT/paramedics and is sent to your home or business when 911 is called. The rescue truck provides ALS and continues care until patient care is transferred over to the emergency room doctors. This is the vehicle that will transport a patient to a local hospital if necessary.

8. What is the primary function of a ladder truck?

A ladder truck is staffed by a minimum of one (1) lieutenant/paramedic and one (1) firefighter/paramedic. The ladder truck has a full complement of firefighting equipment similar to a fire engine, but this truck is unique because it has a 78 ft. elevated ladder that can reach tall buildings to fight fires and make rescues. In addition to its firefighting capabilities, the ladder truck provides “ALS” (Advanced Life Support) until a rescue truck arrives to transport a patient to the nearest hospital emergency room.

9. Why do you send a fire engine to a medical call?

Because of our resources and the multiple responsibilities of our firefighter/EMT/paramedics, the two-truck response gives us the most efficient and effective response possible. It allows us to put the necessary resources on the scene while being prepared to handle any subsequent emergencies.

Two personnel are assigned to the fire engine and two are assigned to the rescue truck. Each team of two must stay with its vehicle to assure the quickest response for all calls.

When we receive a 911 call, our dispatchers get all the pertinent information and relay it accurately to the firefighter/paramedics. Even with the most careful caller, there are times when the emergency is more complicated than described. In other cases, the situation may become more serious after the 911 call has been made.

On a medical emergency run, the responders’ job is to stabilize the patient and prepare him or her for transport, if necessary, to a local hospital emergency room. Depending on the nature of the emergency, two firefighter/EMT/paramedics may not be enough to handle the situation. It often takes all four personnel to stabilize the patient before transporting to a local hospital. If just two firefighter/EMT/paramedics are sent to the home or business when the situation actually calls for more, valuable time is lost waiting for the second vehicle to be dispatched.

Therefore, sending personnel in both the fire engine and the rescue truck is necessary in order to provide the patient the best possible treatment and to keep all resources ready for another response.

10. Who do I call to find out about learning CPR?

We host CPR Classes periodically throughout the year. You can call 248-433-7745 during our regular business hours of 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM Monday - Thursday to request more information.

11. How do I get a copy of a Fire or Medical report?

You can call the Fire Department at 248-433-7745 during our regular business hours of 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM Monday - Thursday to request a report.

12. Where do I place smoke detectors in my home?

A detector should be placed on each level of the home. Detectors should be placed in each bedroom in addition to the hallways outside the bedrooms. Call us at 248-433-7745 during our regular business hours of 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM Monday - Thursday for any assistance.

13. How often should I change my smoke detector batteries?

Your batteries should be changed at least once a year. An easy way to remember is to change them when your clocks are changed to and from Daylight Savings Time in the spring and fall. Need help? Call us at 248-433-7745 during our regular business hours of 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM Monday - Thursday for any assistance.

14. Does the Fire Department do home safety inspections?

Yes. If you would like a Fire Department representative to conduct a home safety inspection, call 248-433-7745 during our regular business hours of 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM Monday - Thursday to make an appointment.

15. If my carbon monoxide detector activates, what should I do?

Carbon Monoxide (also known as the silent killer) is a colorless/odorless gas that is created by the incomplete combustion of carbon based fuels. It is recommended that you install a Carbon Monoxide Detector on each level of your home and if a detector activates, call 911 and leave your home. The Fire Department will come and check for any level of Carbon Monoxide that may be present. Always remember, “When in doubt, call us out.”

16. What is a “Lock Box” and where can I obtain one?

A Lock Box is a secured box that is placed on the front of a home or business that contains keys to a commercial building or residence. The purpose of a Lock Box is to allow Fire Department personnel access to the structure if they have to make entry in the event of an emergency. The Fire Department has a master key which allows them to unlock the Lock Box to gain access to the building keys.

The Fire Department offers multiple options for our Residential Fire Department Lock Box Program.

For more information on purchasing a Lock Box, you can call the Bloomfield Township Fire Department at 248-433-7745 during our regular business hours of 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM Monday - Thursday.

17. Is it legal to burn brush or tree branches?

No, it is not legal to have any open burning in Bloomfield Township. Only approved containers (Recreational Fire Pits) are allowed.

18. What should I do with HOT fireplace ashes?

Fireplace ashes can remain hot for several days. Any ashes removed from your fireplace should be placed in a metal can/bucket, taken outside, and kept a minimum of 3 feet away from your home. Not sure? Give us a call at 248-433-7745.

19. How do I dispose of my Hazardous Waste products?

The Township sponsors Household Hazardous Drop-Off days in the spring and fall of each year. Under NO circumstances should homeowners place any Hazardous Waste products in their weekly trash collection. For more details, contact the Township offices at 248-433-7700 during our regular business hours of 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM Monday - Thursday.

20. Does the Fire Department give station tours?

Yes. Call 248-433-7745 during our regular business hours of 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM Monday - Thursday to arrange a tour.

21. Who do I call to report a leaking fire hydrant?

Call the Fire Department at 248-433-7745 to report a leaking fire hydrant.

22. Why do Firefighters cut holes in the roof and break windows of a building on fire?

This is called “ventilation.” It is the process performed to relieve a structure of superheated gases and smoke. This allows the Firefighters to search the building for anyone trapped and locate the seat of the fire.

If you have any further question please feel free to contact us at 248-433-7745 during our regular business hours to get them answered.

And remember, “When in doubt, call us out!”