Auction License: Per Public Act No. 224 of 1955, as amended, is it illegal to conduct a public auction in Bloomfield Township without procuring a license.Auction License
Fireworks Permit: State law permits individual municipalities to regulate the use of display fireworks for either public or private display.Fireworks Permit Application
Going Out of Business Sale Application: Per Public Act No. 39 of 1961, as amended, an applicant for a license under this act shall file an application with the clerk.Going Out of Business Sale Application
Liquor License: In order to sell and/or distribute beer, wine or spirits, a liquor license application must be approved by the appropriate Township entity.Liquor License Application
Raffle, Bingo, Millionaire Party & Charity Game License: An organization must be recognized by the Bloomfield Township Board of Trustees as a nonprofit organization operating in the community for the purpose of obtaining a charitable gaming license.Raffle License Application
Right-of-Way Permits: Under state and federal legislation, the Township has the authority to regulate activities and persons that disrupt and or use a township right-of-way.Commercial Utilities Right-of Way-Permit Application
Right-of-Way Permit Application
Right-of-Way Permit Exemption Form
Small Wireless Facilities Permit Application: Anyone seeking to install small cell wireless facilities in a public right-of-way must obtain a permit from the Township.Small Wireless Facilities Permit Application
Solicitation Permit: The Township's solicitation ordinance requires a permit from the Clerk in order to solicit in Bloomfield Township. To list your property on the Do Not Knock Registry, click here.Solicitation Permit Application
Wetland and Floodplain Permits: Bloomfield Township has the authority to regulate activities within a designated wetland and/or floodplain.Wetland Permit Application
Credit Card Payments
Some Clerk's Office fees may now be paid online with a credit card. You MUST call the Clerk's Office (248-433-7702) BEFORE using this service to ensure it is a valid credit card fee and to obtain a valid receipt number.
Once you receive a receipt number from the Clerk's Office, you may pay by credit card using the
Payment Form.