Bloomfield Township Senior Services operates a beautiful, state-of-the-art senior center designed to serve the needs of adults age 50 and over in the community. In addition to the amenities designed to help seniors stay fit and healthy – a warm-water pool, indoor walking track, fitness studio and equipment – the center provides spaces for enrichment and social programs. The center hosts 70,000 visits annually. Vital to the mission of Senior Services are the supportive services offered. BTSS answers a total of 26,000 support service requests annually, which can be a meal, a ride to the center or a medical appointment, a friendly call, an hour of dementia care, a home repair, a support group visit, or a loan of a walker or wheelchair.

The Township is a mature community, with nearly 50 percent of residents aged 50 or more, and 41 percent of households having someone age 65 or over. Demand for services will continue to grow as people prefer to age in place. Although Senior Services, because of a high level of part-time employees, low wages and contract providers, is a most cost-efficient department, expenses have grown faster than revenue. A millage renewal, along with a small millage increase, for Senior Services will be on the ballot in November 2022.

Currently the millage collected to fund BTSS is equal to one-half of a penny of each dollar paid by taxpayers. This amount covers only 52 percent of operating expenses. Fees for classes, donations, grants and various fundraising efforts bring in additional funds, but not enough to eliminate the ongoing deficit. Providing valuable services to the community at the lowest possible cost is an ongoing effort. September's Compassion Walk is an example of the fundraising efforts BTSS relies on to supplement taxpayer-provided funds. “We are committed to offering excellent services to residents,” Senior Services Director Christine Tvaroha said. “Township residents who may need these services are encouraged to reach out to BTSS by calling 248-723- 3500.”