Driving is both a privilege and a responsibility. When you’re behind the wheel, you should be focused on getting to where you are going – for the safety of you, your passengers and other drivers and pedestrians.  

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month and the Bloomfield Township Police Department would like to remind you about the importance of focusing on the road ahead of you and not your phone.

“All it takes is a second or two of not focusing on the road and anything can happen. Seen the unfortunate results too many times over the past few years,” says BTPD Public Information Officer Nick Soley.

While cell phone usage is the number one cause of distracted driving, it also includes: 

  • adjusting the radio or GPS device
  • applying makeup and fixing hair
  • eating and drinking 

If you’re in the driver’s seat, it’s the only thing you should be doing. No distractions, just drive. If your driver is texting or otherwise distracted, tell them to stop and focus on the road.
Please watch this video about Distracted Driving and learn more at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Any questions? Please call 248-433-7755.
This April, and moving forward, ignore the distractions and get where you’re going safely.