As a fellow resident, I want to say thank you to everyone who voted in the August election and made their voice heard. Township voters gave a resounding yes to the Public Safety Millage Replacement proposal on the August ballot with 63% voting in favor of combining two public safety millages with an increase that is entirely dedicated to public safety. I know it can be hard to stay positive in a social media world of negativity, but this community continually rises above it and proved it values the Police and Fire services that attend to the health and safety of our neighbors.

Police and Fire have both been operating with low staff levels, and with this millage passing we can bring back positions and ensure both departments have the absolute best resources and tools to keep us all safe. The number one non-violent crime reported by residents is traffic violations. The public safety millage gives us the ability to bring back the traffic investigations unit. The public safety millage also allows the Fire Department to update lifesaving equipment and bring back positions to reduce overtime and ensure that firefighters and paramedics are able to provide the best care possible. These are just some examples of how your support improves public safety in our community.

We now look towards the November 8 General Election which sees two millage proposals: a millage renewal for the Safety Path Program, and a millage renewal and a small increase for Senior Services. Both millages have been approved in the past by voters in the township. The two millage proposals were moved to November 2022 in order to save residents the cost (more than $100,000) of a special election next year. It also gives us the opportunity to hear from more residents since there is a higher voter turnout in gubernatorial and presidential election years than in special elections.

In 1999, one of the very first safety paths was installed in front of my home. Since that time, the safety path network has greatly expanded. Here you will find a map of the safety paths that connect Township highlights such as Bowers Farm, the Franklin Cider Mill and the Township Public Library. If voters renew the five-year proposal, it will fund the construction of new safety paths as outlined in the master plan, maintain the existing safety paths, and update older safety paths to current ADA standards. Mowing and cleaning debris and costs related to that work are essential to maintaining this asset. The safety path millage is a straight renewal with no increase.

The pandemic was far less kind to our Senior Center, which saw consistently rising numbers of residents using the facility until the shutdown of 2020. The inability of some of our most vulnerable residents to gather at the center created many challenges for our Senior Services. BTSS adapted by offering online classes for enrichment and exercise, increased deliveries of Meals on Wheels with more people shut-in, delivered nonperishable pantry boxes to low income seniors, continued transportation to medical appointments, and coordinated the temporary citizens’ hotline with police and fire for any need. Covid did open us up to some homebound residents through the virtual options. As we reopened in 2021, we developed a hybrid model of in person and virtual class options to continue to serve everyone.

Few people realize that residents as young as 50 are eligible to use the Senior Center. As an older community, 48 percent of all Township residents are aged 50 and over. In addition, 41percent of all households in the Township have someone aged 65 or older. Although fitness and aquatics amenities and classes are available, Senior Services also has a positive impact on mental health of the community by helping older residents escape isolation through socialization and enrichment activities.

The original Senior Services millage was based on limited services in a small space we rented in a former elementary school. Since that time, demand for senior services increased dramatically, which led to the construction of a 24,000 square-foot building, with modern amenities, expanded services, and need for maintenance of the infrastructure. The cost of providing this facility and services is larger than the original millage from years ago, which covered a small group of people and services in the past. Because of the increase in services and infrastructure, this is a renewal with a request of an increase of about 10 cents per 1000 (0.1027 mil).

If you would like more information about the safety path program, you can contact our engineering and environmental services department at 248-594-2800 or via email at If you would like more information about our Senior Services, you can contact them at 248-723-3500 or email at I wish everyone a happy fall season as school resumes and we enjoy the festivities, colors, and beauty of the season.