UPDATE (9/12/2022): This project is now expected to begin on Monday, September 19, 2022.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during the difficult project of replacing a sanitary sewer that will force the closure of Long Lake Road.  The closure is currently expected to begin on Monday, September 12.  We realize the project is a major inconvenience for residents and drivers compounded by the timing of the project.  Many factors such as the design of the sewer, existing soil conditions, the placement of utility poles and lines, and the availability of materials have contributed to the timing of the project.  Below are the answers to many questions coming into the Township regarding length of the project, police and fire access, school bus routes, utilities and more.

Why a September start date coinciding with the start of the school year?  Wouldn’t summer vacation have made more sense?
This sanitary sewer replacement is necessary to continue providing service for almost two hundred residents upstream of the repair area.  This sewer is parallel to Long Lake Road and crosses Long Lake Road in the area of Pine Tree Trail and Groton Roads.  Procurement of materials necessary for the project took longer than typically expected as construction materials are in high demand and wait times have far exceeded previous years.  The Township did not want its contractor to start the work until all materials were available in order to avoid idle time and expedite the road closure as much as possible.  These are the reasons that the project was not completed over the summer.  All work is anticipated to be completed by the end of 2022.

Why is this project estimated to take longer than the average sanitary sewer repair?  Why close the road?
Existing soil conditions and existing utility locations have created conditions for an atypical repair.  There are several existing above ground and underground critical utilities that had to be considered in the design and installation of the sewer replacement.  DTE poles and overhead wires by multiple providers have to be temporarily relocated to allow for the construction of the replacement sewer.  Residents immediately adjacent to the site were gracious enough to grant easements; expanding the work area available to the Township and its contractor.  Completion of the project also includes repair of the sink hole at Pine Tree Trail and reopening Pine Tree Trail to Long Lake Road.

What about police and fire services navigating the area?  The project is so close to the High School, how will it effect bus routes?
Bloomfield Township Police Department and Fire Department are aware of the closure on Long Lake Road.  Concerns of speeding through the neighborhoods can be directed to the Police Department.  The Bloomfield Hills School District has also been informed to plan accordingly for their student transportation routes.

How will this affect the safety path along Long Lake Road?
The safety path will be closed during the duration of the project.

When was this project approved?
The presentation on April 11, 2022 and discussion by the Township Board of Trustees on this emergency sewer replacement can be seen below.

More questions?
Questions and concerns about the project can be directed to Cory Borton in the Engineering & Environmental Services Department at 248-594-2801 or via email.

Again, we thank you for your patience and understanding during this difficult project.  Detour routes can be found below and project updates will be periodically shared through the township eNews and social media outlets.

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