On November 25, 2024, the Township celebrated election officials and inspectors for their hard work with a reception and proclamation presented at the Board of Trustees meeting. We recognize that without these dedicated individuals, elections could not be held. I want to thank all election workers for their tireless efforts throughout 2024 culminating with November’s General Election.

To learn more about the work of election officials and inspectors, as well as the entire Clerk’s Office staff, I highly recommend BCTV’s video Accuracy over Speed. You’ll also find photos from the reception and proclamation.

We had just under 80% turnout among the 38,587 registered voters in the Township. Approximately 1.28% less than the 2020 November General Election. That places our community 14th for highest turnout among the 130 municipalities in Oakland County. Absentee and Early Voting numbers continued to rise this election.

While the election season is over, the audit season is just beginning for the Clerk’s office. One part of the ongoing effort to ensure accuracy and security is the post-election audit process. Audits occur throughout the state of Michigan. We review processes, procedures, and double check the accuracy of counting machines.