The Bloomfield Township Senior Center has completed the process of converting its pool to a Salt Pure® system. The decision to make this change was reviewed and approved by the Township Board of Trustees Meeting on November 25, 2024.

Salt Pure® refers to a commercial sanitizing system that reduces chemicals through a safer form of natural chlorine without the types of fillers and binders that ordinary chlorine has, such as sodium hydroxide. This is the one of the first public pools in Oakland County to utilize Salt Pure®.

“There’s actually two very good health benefits, said Township Senior Service Director Christine Tvaroha. “The primary one is when you have chlorine, it creates chloramines in the air and that’s because it mixes with the ammonia, so we’re breathing that in that enclosed space. When you’re in an outdoor pool, it doesn’t have as much impact, but we’re indoors, so that’s going to improve air quality-especially for anyone who might have asthmas.”

She also added, “The other thing is it’s much easier on people’s skin, some people have a reaction to both chlorine and bromine, so it’s much gentler on skin, which is a really big important thing for our customer base.”

The Bloomfield Township Senior Center offers a variety of exercise opportunities for individuals aged 50 and over. Classes run month-to-month and you can stay informed of current programming via the Senior Services Spring Catalog.

Funding for this project was provided by a $150,000 Oakland County grant in American Rescue Plan Act funds. Tvaroha expressed gratitude for these funds that allow for capital investments to positively impact the health and wellness of older adults in our community.

The official installation began on December 16, 2024 but the full process required the pool surface to cure for at least 30 days. The pool is now converted and open for business.

Learn more about the pool at New Year, New Pool, a video produced by Bloomfield Community Television. Watch more BCTV programming via their YouTube Page.

Bloomfield Township Senior Services (BTSS) offers lifelong learning and interactive opportunities for residents age 50 and over to stimulate the mind and the body. These include a wide variety of fitness classes, both land and aquatic; fitness equipment, enrichment opportunities; and day trips. BTSS fosters a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

Bloomfield Community Television (BCTV) provides Government and Community Access programming via local cable providers (Comcast, AT&T and WOW) for residents of Bloomfield Township and nearby municipalities. Established in 1985, BCTV facilitates the production and cablecast of television programs that reflect the interests and activities of the community and inform and enrich the lives of the people in its viewing area. BCTV has a highly qualified production staff and two studios. Its facilities are available for tours and workshops.