This Holiday Season, BTPD would like to remind you about the importance of celebrating safely. Impaired driving, either under the influence of alcohol or drugs, is the number one cause of death on our roadways.


And while alcohol has always been the primary source of motor vehicle accidents and fatalities, Drugged Driving is a growing and complex problem.


Per Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), one in four drivers test positive for at least one drug that could affect driving safety. Drugged driving can come from legal substances including prescription drugs. This recent rise of prescription drug abuse of those behind the wheel has contributed to an increase in tragic deaths and families forever scarred. Learn more at Drugged Driving.


Please be responsible, use a designated driver, use a ride share app, or use AAA’s Tow To Go Program. Just don’t drive impaired. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about available resources, please call 248-433-7755.


A Safe Holiday Season is a Happy Holiday Season!