On Monday, June 24, Cable and Community Relations Director Carrie LeZotte presented her Annual Report to the Bloomfield Township Board of Trustees during their bi-monthly public meeting. In her second year with the Township, LeZotte has overseen outstanding growth in production, in-person engagement and social media presence. This includes an overhaul of the Township website, summertime food trucks, the annual Township Open House, more content for YouTube and Facebook and a brand new Township app (available via Apple and Google Play).  

Another direction for the work of the department is promoting production opportunities and offering digital literacy education. On the production side, BCTV hosted its first Documentary Youth Workshop, June 24 to June 27. This program ran in conjuncture with the Township Police Department’s Regional Youth Academy and produced this Video.

Lucas Nieman was the prime participant in this year’s workshop. He is going into his sophomore year at Seaholm High School, and his mother, Catherine, was very happy for this opportunity. “Our son’s experience filming the documentary at the police youth camp was nothing short of a masterclass in film and production. For the entire week, he was under the wing of nurturing and knowledgeable professionals who had him not only learning but doing everything from interviewing, shot setup, filming and editing. It was an incredible learning experience.”

The digital literacy aspect will develop with this Fall’s debut of “BCTV: Back to School.” The goal of this weeklong workshop will be to introduce media and technology through a series of free, interactive, hands-on experiences for participants. If you are interested in instructing or attending “BCTV: Back to School,” please call 248-433-7790 or Email.

Check out BCTV Video on Demand for a current list of available shows, as well as BCTV Podcasts. You can also subscribe to the BCTV YouTube Page. To receive a monthly update on local community programming, sign up for the BCTV Newsletter, Local Lens.