If you are an officer of a Bloomfield Township homeowners' association and would like a link from the Township website to the website of your association, please send an Email.

The Township auditorium is available for homeowner association meetings and can be scheduled through the Clerk's office by calling 248-433-7702.

Six Reasons to Have an Active Homeowners’ Association

  1. The Township will maintain the records of the association and list its officers.
  2. The Township will notify the Association’s Building Plans Chairman or President of any matter coming before the Zoning Board of Appeals or Planning Commission that may be related to the subdivision.
  3. The Township will give the Association’s contact information to new residents who have questions regarding the school district, rules and regulations, by-laws and deed restrictions, and lake access and privileges.
  4. The Township will provide an email address for the Building Plans Chairman, President or Association, which will ensure faster notifications than the postal system.
  5. Homeowner associations may use the Township auditorium at no cost for meetings held Wednesday – Sunday.
  6. If an Association has a website, it can be linked to the Township’s website.


The United Homeowner Associations of Bloomfield Township, Inc., is a non-profit association of homeowner groups comprising 60+ member associations with a history of over 40 years.

United Homeowners Associations - Bloomfield Township 

Homeowners Associations

Adams Square, No. 2 & 3
Balmoral Orchards No. 1 & 2
Birmingham Farms Homeowners Association
Bloomfield Berkshire Improvement Association
Bloomfield Chase
Bloomfield Estates Improvement Association
Bloomfield Heights Homeowners Association
Bloomfield North Estates
Bloomfield On Square Lake Condo
Bloomfield Square Homeowners
Bloomfield Village Association, 1-4 6-12
Bloomfield Village South Homeowners
Charing Cross Estates
Chestnut Run North
Eastover Farms No. 1 Association
Fox Hills Homeowners Association
Foxcroft Improvement Association
Franklin Woods Neighborhood
Hammond Lake Civic Association
Hickory Grove Hills Homeowners Association
Hickory Heights Property Owners Association
Hugo Hills Improvement Association
Island, Lower Long & Forest Lake Property Owners Association
Kentmoor Property Owners Association No. 1 & 2
Kirkwood Improvement Association
Lone Pine Road Estates Improvement Association
Long Lake Shores Association
Mulberry Square Condominium Association
North Bloomfield Hills Homeowners Association
Oakland Hills Country Club Subdivision Association No. 1
Orange Lake Benevolent
Shorewood Hills Property Owners Association
South Bloomfield Highlands Improvement Association (SBHIA)
Square Lake Association
Stillmeadow Subdivision Homeowners Association
The Dells of Bloomfield Property Owners Association
United Homeowners Association
Upper Long Lake Estates Association
Vernor Estates Improvement Association
Wabeek South Homeowners Association
Westchester Village Homeowners Association 
Willoway Condo Association
Wing Lake Farms Inc.