Township Maintains S&P AAA Bond Rating

Bloomfield Township has earned a AAA bond rating from Standard & Poor’s Rating Services and a Aa1 bond rating from Moody’s Investor Service, a reflection of the Township’s exceptionally strong financial practices. 

The AAA and Aa1 bond ratings are given on the basis of the Township’s sizeable and affluent residential tax base, the willingness of residents to support Township government, and very strong operating fund balance and liquidity. The ratings reflect the Township’s strong financial operations and healthy reserves, and forward-looking management team. The Township is fiscally responsible, carefully managing resources to maximize their benefit for the residents. Bloomfield Township has always been and continues to be very proactive in anticipating and preparing for financial challenges. Residents deserve a great deal of credit for their consistent support of the Township, as this is a consideration in determining the ratings. Read the report below..

Standard & Poor's Rating Direct Summary