Top 10 List of 2024

It was a busy year full of firsts and favorites.

  1. Our first performance stage at the Township Open House.
  2. Living in Bloomfield show re-launch with a new production team.
  3. Our first-ever technology workshop: Back to School with BCTV.
  4. Documentary summer-camp partnership with the Regional Youth Academy.
  5. Bloomfield Township mobile app for podcasts on-the-go.
  6. $363,215 approved for capital upgrades to Township Hall and BCTV.
  7. New shows! CHOPZ!The Franklin ShowDistracted LibrariansThe Bigger PictureBuilding TogetherFacts for Fifty Plus, and AP on Play.
  8. New partnerships! The League of Michigan Bicyclists, Oakland County Sherriff's Department, and The Rochester Chamber of Commerce.
  9. Our new Heart of the Community Awards in celebration Community Media Day.
  10. In-person community engagement like Food Truck Wednesdays and an election workers thank-you reception.

Thank you to the BCTV community for a terrific year!